A.B.O. Comix | Jamie Diaz

Proceeds from these publications are donated to Jamie and the other contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support. For Bulk/Wholesale Orders: please email abocomix@gmail.com


A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition V

This is the fifth volume of the comic book series featuring stories created by over 35 queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. This full color magnum opus features comics and art from many of the Edition 1-4 contributors, as well as a ton of new artists.

A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition IV

A.B.O. Comix Edition IV featuring stories created by over 50 queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. This 374 page, full color magnum opus features comics and art from many of our Edition 1-3 contributors, as well as a ton of new artists.


A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition III

A.B.O. Comix Edition III features stories created by queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. The A.B.O. Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective.

“Jamie Diaz stylishly deflects pejoratives for trans women while her swooshing coif provokes the ire of prison officials.” - Sam Lefebvre, KQED


The Prison Arcana Zine [digital download]

An interpretation of the Major Arcana cards of the tarot, through the lens of c.l. young, an incarcerated queer, Black, witch. The zine includes art by Jamie Diaz.


A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition II

Sequel anthology to a comic book of stories created by queer and trans prisoners detailing life on the inside. The A.B.O. Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support.


A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition I

A.B.O. Comix Edition I is an anthology of stories created by queer and trans prisoners detailing life on the inside. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors.